Thursday 4 February 2016

How to earn money with blog & How to create blog step by step

Earn Money With Blogger

 Hi friends today i am going to explain you how to earn money with blogger ....??oww its very siple and get lot of money to long time income .I  will explain you how to create attractive blog . You just follow my siple steps then you can earn more money .
There are 5 steps  we will take together to help you start a blogger and earn more eassy money .
  1. Create a new blog.
  2. Get help and support .
  3. Get ready ....set...start blogging .
  4. Marketing your blog.
  5. Earn money with your blog.

 Create a new blog step by step :
  • Open your browser.
  • Type in address bar in your web browser.
  • Sign in using your google account to get started.
  • If you don`t have a google account ?? click get started to create one.
  • Enter a display name to be used to sign your blogs-posts and click continue.
  • Click on create your blog now.
  • Now select a blog title and an an available URL for  your blog (blog name). You can check if the URL you are considering is available by clicking check availablity .
( If it is unavailable try adding more letters and don`t use things like hyphens ,under scores,colons etc )
  • Enter the word verification and click continue .
  • Choose a started template , which will act as the design / layout blog.
  • click start blogging now.
  • You can create new blog spot   ,edit posts andd edit pages from under the posting tabs.
  • The title of your post goes in the text box next to title.
  • T he body of  your post will get entered into the compose text editor , where you will also be able to access basic text editor functions such as like fonts  size ,text color the ability to insert links .
  • You can also use the edit HTML format ,  if you prefer .
  • The post options sections located underneath thr compose text editor will allow you to enable comments , HTML settings and post the time and date.
  • You can now either select save now . To save your post .
  • Preview your post before publishing to your blog , or  publish post directly to your newly created blog.  
  • If you wish to change the design of your blog from the starter template you selected when initially creating  your blog , you can do  so under the design tab.
  • From with in the design tab you will be able to edit page elements , HTML , and  change your template with template designer .
  • If you want to adjust other settings such as who is able to view , contribution to , or comment on your blog etc , click the settings tab.
  • You can add new authors that are able to contribute to and your blog by clicking the settings tab >permissions sub_tab and select add authors.
 Warning :
Don`t copy to other website`s  information 

OK friends if you have any doubts comment bellow i will help you  ......:)

Monday 25 January 2016

How To Earn 10$ To 100$ Per Month Captcha Entry Job

Earn 10$ To 100$ Per Month Captcha Entry Job 

Hi friends today i going to explain you how to make money without investment in online ?? It is very easy to earn in online right ?? yah .
Now a days so many fake site are available they cheats you so be careful . Ok today i show you very genuine cpatcha entry website .  It is very helps you . very simple work spend some hours in this site you can earn more money . In this website have riffles also Invite your friend with you riffle then you can earn extra more money . so lets start today  don't wast of you valuable time spend some hours get more money .

 Procedure :
  • Open your browser now like (Firefox or chrome).
  • Enter in address bar ( .
  • First click on register option . Then fill all your details click on register button .
  • Now login with your email ID and passward then click on enter button .
  • Now your account was opens now right ??
  • Click on start button .
  • Enter correct given captcha earn some money daily .
  • enjoy friends .
Let`s watch video

Friends if you have any doubts please comment below i will help you . Then you want more trick and money making tips subscribe my Youtube channel . bye

Saturday 23 January 2016

Submit Your Site Blogger Or Websit In Google Search Engine

Submit Your Site In Google World

Hi friends today i am going to explain you how to submit your site in most popular site Google search engine . Google site is very popular and worlds number one site . In this Google  have many more visitors and viewers right.
so friends let`s submit your URL like blogger  and website in Google search engine it helps you more traffic to your site  . sooo  watch my simple video then enjoy in Google world .

what is Google :  Google is most popular website in  this wold . It is a big network .Search for information about (someone`s or something) on the internet using the search engine is called " Google ". Google processes more then 3.5 billion queries a day on its engine . Two or thirds of the world1s searches via PC and even higher proportion on smartphones. In this website have some billion member s are search for results like videos , images ,news each and every information is available in Google search engine . so you can submit your sit like Blogger or Website its going many users in your site views .

How to submit URL ??

Procedure  :

>>  Open your browser .
>>  type in address bar (
>> search in google "Submite ULR "
>> Then choos "Submit URL" option click on that .
>> Ok google URL will be displayed now .
>> Enter your blogger or website URL home page URL .
>>Then enter given captcha or human verification >
>>Click on submit button . it shown you url will be successfully submitted now.
>> close all tabs .
>> Now your connect in google world .

let`s watch my video 

watch blow video i explain in this video how to submit your site step by step it is more helpful to you ....!!

Friends you have any doubts in this video  please comment below i will help you OK enjoy friends .

Friday 22 January 2016

How To Submit Your Blogger or Website In Yahoo & Bing Search Engine

Submit Your Site In Yahoo & bing

Hi friends how are you all i hope all are fine right OK Today i am explain you how to submit your site Yahoo and Bing search engines . Yahoo and Bing very more popular sites in internet world . You can Submit your site in this search engine`s it  helps you get more visitors viewers in your site.
 How to submit procedure :

>>  Open your browser like (Firefox or chrome).
>>  Type ( then click on enter button.
>>  Yahoo site displayed now .
>>  Blow click on" submite your site "  .
>>  Again click on "submit your site for free". 
>>  Bing  site will be displayed now right ?? see left site  "Key Resources".
>>  Then click blow on "submit your site to bing".
>>  Then type your blog or website URL and type given captcha  click on submit button .
>>  Now your site blog or website will be connect in yahoo search engine .
Let`s watch video :

   Let`s watch this video then connect yahoo and bing world .

You have any doubts comment below i  can help you any time then if you want more tricks in this internet world subscribe my youtub channel and follow my blog then get more tricks and tips .

Thursday 21 January 2016

How Get Speed Internet In Your Windows System

How Get Speed Internet In Your Windows System

    Hi friends today i going to explain how to increase internet speed in your PC . It`s very simple i was explain one simple trick just you should follow that steps then you will get speed internet with in 2 mints. Many user have facing so internet problem1s it very slow connections . I think 2g internet user have acing many problems 2g was very slow and some times its not connect to  browsers right ?? So today i will explain  some trick`s just follow that ticks ok Let`s see now ..

Step by Step  :

>>  Open your system now  then click (Windows+R) run box will opens now .
>> Then type in run box (gpedit.msc) then click on OK button  .
>> Now local group policy editer box displayed now right ? then double click on " computer configuration " .
>> Again double click on " Administrative Templates "  .
>> Double click on "Networks ".
>> Then again double click on "QoS  Pocket Scheduler "  click on that .
>> Double click on " Limit reservable bandwidth " .
>> OK now limit reservable bandwidth box will be displayed now right ??
>> Now Select " disabled " option . Then click on Apply and again click on Ok Button . >> Close all tabs now  .
>> Finally open your "Command prompt " now .
>> Right click on Command prompt  then click  Run Administration .
>> Now Command prompt displayed now  right ??
>> OK now write Simple code in your command prompt very carefully OK .
>> write now       C:\windows\system32>netsh interface tcp global autotuning=disabled 
>> Click enter button then it shown OK  .
               Now its finish now friend now close command prompt  click on refresh button . Open your browser like Google chrome or fire fox any use speed internet  enjoy friends . If you have any doubts watch my video OK . byeee